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August 22 & 23 and 29 & 30, 2020
Saturday, August 22nd
9:00 am​
10:00 am
11:00 am​
11:30 am​
1:00 pm​
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Opening ceremony + keynote: Dr. Balavenkat Subramanian
Dr. Bonnie Firestein (My Love Affair with the Brain)
Careers in neuroscience info session
Dr. Alie Caldwell (Astronauts to Astrocytes: My Neuroscience Journey)
Matthew Espinoza (Brain Companion)
Innoverge (Neuroethics)
Samyak Science Society (The A.I. Synapse: How Human Intelligence Connects to Artificial Intelligence)
Each Mind (Breaking The Stigma)
IYBS award winner presentations (NervoSensor; Low Risk, High Reward; Aperio; Neurishment; The Third Verdict)
Columbia Synapse (brain injury awareness & advocacy)
Daisy Zhou (mental disorders research)
Sunday, August 23rd
9:00 am​
10:00 am​
11:00 am
12:00 pm​
1:00 pm​
2:00 pm​
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Dr. Hitendra Mahajan (Conquering Your Mind--The Way I Did It)
Aarathi Varadachar & Rashmi Rajan from Prakruthi Interiors (Sublime Spaces)
Darshini Babu Ganesh (Dance and the Brain)
Dr. Audrius Plioplys (Artistic Explorations of Thought)
Dr. Matt Johnson (Author of Blindsight, Hult Intl. Business School)
Undergraduate student panel
The Purple Hydrangea Project (The Molecular Neurobiology of Mental Illness)
Brain Basics Workshop
Emily Kavic (Food on the Brain: The Neurological Undertow of Eating Disorders)
Senses and Perception Workshop
Neuroscience Bingo Game
First closing ceremony
Saturday, August 29th
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Opening ceremony + keynote: Dr. Uma Naidoo (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School)
Edwin Wong (Spatial memory and Alzheimer's disease)
Girls for Science (Women in Neuroscience)
Two-truths-and-a-lie game with neuroscience facts
Movement Workshop
Dr. Nan Lin (pediatric neurologist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital)
Mental health student organizations panel
Deepti Kohli (Yoga and Its Benefits)
Project MHEA (Time to Talk: Mental Health)
IYBS award winner presentations (Team ShakeItOff, Shallow Realers, Team SPEARS)
Coronavirus Visualization Team (Data Science and Mental Health)
Infant, Child, and Adolescent Workshop
Q&A with the Simply Neuroscience leadership team
Sunday, August 30th
9:00 am​
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Dr. Murali Thondebhavi (Mental Models--Tools for a Better Life)
Dr. Venkat Venkataraman (Neuroscience: From Bench to Bedside)
Chinmayi Balusu (LinkedIn for STEM Students workshop)
Dr. Maarten Frens (The Neuroeconomics of Motor Learning)
Brain Hieroglyphics Game
Strings4Smiles NYC
Stemnova (Idea to Impact: Developing Grassroots Education Nonprofits)
Virtual speed networking
Teen Hacks LI (Your Brain On Tech)
The Developing Brain Workshop
Neuroscience Jeopardy
Hanzala Subhani (IPSC-Derived DCX+ Cells: An Alternative Treatment Option for Neurodegenerative Diseases)
Joseph Sexton (Neuroscience vs. Psychology: Approaches to Depression and Mental Illness)
Final closing ceremony
**Note: Times are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Schedule is tentative and subject to change as the event draws near.**
Where our attendees are from
Meet Our Speakers
Who can register to attend the conference?
Any students above the age of 13 years are welcome to join!
Where is the conference being hosted?
Online/virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Is there a registration fee for the conference?
Nope! The Neurocon is absolutely free! No payment of any kind involved thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and the efforts of the organizing team here at Simply Neuroscience.
- How can I support the conference?
- We would love it if you could share about the conference on social media (tag us!) and let friends and family know! If you are able to financially support us with logistical costs, please consider donating to Simply Neuroscience (a fiscally sponsored student-run organization with 501(c)(3) status.
I'm interested in attending but cannot attend due to a schedule conflict/time zone difference. How can I still take part?
We are in the works of figuring out recording the sessions and will try our best to include as many presentations and educational content portions of the conference on our YouTube channel (Simply Neuroscience) as well. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out!
Is it okay if I cannot attend the entire conference?
Absolutely! You are not required to attend every single session and your registration is not binding.
What types of sessions will be happening?
Research presentations from guest speakers, speed networking and LinkedIn sessions, undergraduate and graduate educational panels, careers in neuroscience presentation, interactive workshops (e.g. interior design and the mind, dance and the brain, hackathon 101, STEM educational advocacy, traumatic brain injury awareness, artificial neural networks, etc.), neuroscience "movie night," trivia games, and more!
How can I receive updates about the Simply Neurocon and stay in the loop?
Sign up on the form above, follow @simplyneuroscience on Instagram, and subscribe to the Simply Neuroscience newsletter.
Whom should I contact if I have any other questions?​
Please reach out to​ and we'll be happy to provide more information!
Our Collaborators


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